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Arlington Faauaa (Lovelace)

Administrative Assistant

Arlington’s story unfolds against the backdrop of American Samoa, rooting deeply in Lawton, OK, within the embrace of “Praise and Worship Ministries,” his grandfather’s church. In this musical haven guided by his parents, the church’s music leaders, Arlington’s early years became a symphony of diverse roles, from drumming, dancing to stage production, laying the groundwork for his future in performance.

In 2019, driven by a passion to refine his sound, Arlington made the transformative leap from Lawton to Tulsa, OK. Within the rich tapestry of Tulsa’s musical diversity, he set out to explore his artistic identity. With a constant companion in hip hop, and given the alias “Lovelace” (stylized as LVLC), Arlington initially delved into rap, beginning a musical journey that would organically evolve over time. Before even releasing any music, Arlington gained a devoted following of fans who witnessed his captivating performances. Drawn to his showmanship and the raw, intimate nature of his artistry, they embraced his ability to channel the lessons learned from his upbringing while maintaining articulate and upfront expression. In 2022, Lovelace dropped his debut EP, “EACH NIGHT AS YOU SLEEP, I DESTROY THE WORLD,” a poignant work that opened a dialogue between himself and the frustrations and trauma he grappled with in his youth.

Arlington’s magnetic stage presence and musical prowess didn’t go unnoticed. His performances led him to close collaborations with Tulsa Hip Hop giants like Earl Hazard, 1st Verse, and Bezel365. These encounters not only added depth to his artistic journey but also solidified his presence within the vibrant Tulsa music scene.

These connections served as a prelude to Arlington’s involvement with the Soulbody Cyphers. Curated by Marshall Moses, aka Soulbody Meta, these cyphers became the nexus of Arlington’s artistic journey, where his unique voice and narrative found resonance within Oklahoma’s vibrant musical community. Through the Soulbody Cypher’s partnership with OCD Gamechangers, Lovelace was introduced to a platform that focuses on mental health awareness, offering him the opportunity to speak openly about his past trauma. This collaboration has allowed him to intertwine his music and advocacy, deepening the impact of his work on and off the stage.

This experience within the Cyphers became a catalyst for Arlington, leading to the formation of the Soulstarz. As part of this collective of music and visual artists, he, along with fellow performers, dedicated themselves to personal and communal growth through art, creating a powerful synergy that continues to shape Arlington’s evolving narrative.

This tapestry of experiences, from the pews of a church in Lawton to the forefront of Tulsa’s music scene, underscores Arlington as not just an artist, but a multifaceted storyteller whose music serves as a bridge between diverse worlds. His journey is a testament to the power of resilience, creativity, and the relentless pursuit of self-expression. Through his involvement with the Soulbody Cyphers and partnerships focusing on mental health awareness, Arlington has evolved into a beacon of hope and a voice for the voiceless, using his platform to shine a light on important issues while fostering a community bound by the healing power of music and art.

Arlington embodies the essence of an artist committed to growth, both personally and communally, inviting listeners into a world where music transcends entertainment to become a catalyst for change and understanding. His story is a reminder that our backgrounds and struggles can shape us, but they do not define us; rather, it’s how we use our voices and talents to impact the world around us that leaves a lasting legacy.